Daily Archives: January 7, 2019

Good Old Arthur.

As a youth I did some classic work labouring, you know the kind, on building site being a gopher essentially.
There was another lad who worked at the same time, a couple of years older and the rest of the lads on site used to call him Arthur.
Being of the ilk who enjoyed a good book my mind went to the realms of the King of Knights, Excalibur and the Holy Grail.
Turns out if was because he’d often leave things half done.
Thus his full name was “Arthur Job”, say it quickly and it will all make sense if you’re still unsure.
This attitude is not something exclusively for the youths of the world, in fact there are a lot of adults who will only ever do things half heartedly and really finish anything meaningful.
Perhaps it’s because they fear putting in the effort required and what might happen if they fail epically, or they could just be lazy I suppose.
How many times has you only ever doing half of something?
I can say there has been a fair share of things my end and the reason for it was always the same; it just wasn’t something I really wanted to be doing.
Given this insight I will always ask myself these two questions before undertaking a task.
1 – Is this something I absolutely NEED to do?
2 – Is this something I WANT to do?
If the first is a yes then regardless of if I want to do it or not it gets done because of necessity.
If the first is a no and the second is a yes, then I will do the thing, however if both are a resounding no then I just won’t do them because it’s not important.
A simple way to live really.
These simple questions avoid me promising things I can’t or don’t want to deliver and trust me it saves a lot of hassle in the long run.
You should take these on board and apply them to some elements of your life.
Let us take fitness for example, given this is a fitness bias page.
Fat loss:
1 – Do you NEED to lose fat?
2 – Do you WANt to lose fat?
The first might be a no, fair enough.
The second could be a yes, then you will have to understand why you want to lose fat, perhaps it is to attract someone else, or just to feel better, or to feel comfortable having sex with the lights on, or whatever.
Once you make the decision to do something, you see it through to the end.
Take these two questions, apply them and don’t end up becoming just another Arthur of the world.

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