Daily Archives: January 12, 2019

Not my eyes, R2, help me!

From a  business perspective I can understand why trainers/coaches share videos of their clients training.

What continues to baffle me is the utter dog shit form though.

It’s quite worrying in all fairness because if the trainer/coaches feels terrible form is video and sharing worthy then it doesn’t hold much hope for what they consider a result.

Now this might just be my cripplingly high standards, or because I’m just mean.

Potentially a combination of both.

Yet it still worries me what passes for ‘quality’ these days because being someone who has always been a stickler for form anything less than ‘solid’ isn’t really something to be bragging about.

Doing so dos two things:

1 – It makes the coach/trainer look terrible

2 – It makes the client look terrible

Is it just me who thinks those two points should be avoided like those people handing out leaflets in the street?

I can’t be the only one, can I?

Now before all the hypersensitive snowflakes jump up an down claiming that ‘everyone is built differently and what is good of roan won;t be good for another.” or some such similar thing to justify shit form, stop, just stop and engage the grey matter between your ears for a spell.

Please, just humour me.

Good form looks good, regardless of an individuals proportions/build, it will look like good form.

This is why you find commonalities in movement patterns and believe it or not it isn’t uncommon for more than one person to have a remarkably similar build to the point that they could be the same person, as much as many would like to deny this.

It is true that based on a persons leverages they will excel of falter at specific lifts/movements, sadly that is the nature of the beast, however this isn’t something people should use as an excuse or justification, which they do because they’re the human equivalent of a wet blanket.

You may be asking yourself why this is my attitude, it’d be a good question.

It’s because I don’t see the point in all the bullshit anymore.

Oh once upon a time I almost became that PT, it was so tempting to tell people wha they wanted to hear all to get easy business and expose people for the mugs they were, however I couldn’t bring myself to do it because they deserve better than that.

They deserve to know how things work and exactly what it takes to get results.

Funnily enough I was in the gym today and a lady was on a chest press and using the foot weight releasing mechanism to ‘train her legs for something different.’ – her exact words.

I told her that wasn’t how it worked and she’d get no results form that.

Mean, oh yes, however she made it clear she only wants to go to the gym to dick around and say she’s been, I know this because her physique has gotten worse in the 6months she’s been going, how sad is that.

We get in our own way all too often.

I understand it though, most just want somewhere to go, a place to kill time and perhaps a community in which to belong and that’s cool, I guess we can’t all want to change.

Saddest past is it’s people like this who will be taken advantage of by trainers/coaches who are will to say what they want to hear simply to take their money, which is fair enough really because everyones to to eat at the end of the day.

If you’re a coach/trainer then give some thought to the content you share.

Look at it through the eyes of another person and ask yourself this; would you hire you based on that video/post etc.


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