Monthly Archives: March 2023

Reflections on the ‘feels’

Given a trainer will help the average person lose weight, feel great, get stronger, improve confidence and generally change their life for the better in essentially every single way.

Why wouldn’t someone want this?

Fear is the honest answer.

The fear of change more specifically.

Of being more than they are.
Of being judged by their peers as they surpass them.
Of being face with the reality that they should have hired a PT sooner.
Of being honest in that they’ve been holding themselves back.

I’ve had the luck to work with a lot of people over the years.

Not all have succeeded, and the common element I noticed in their failure was that I didn’t ask them this ONE question.

Why are you holding yourself back?

As a PT I’m not terrible, but I’m not able to make magic happen without the person I’m training buying into the process 100%.

Now don’t mistake my words here, this isn’t the issue on the clients side, this is all on me.

In the past I gave up on people because they gave up on themselves.

There was only so much effort I could put in because I was making this mistake – not asking why they were resisting change.

Despite all the benefits they stood to gain, they still resisted.

As I’ve gotten older I finally got a glimpse of why this is.

They didn’t feel as they needed.

Odd as it sounds, from listening to people talk and then staying quiet to allow them to talk more has revealed the key element many don’t tell you is that they don’t ‘feel’ what they need to feel to keep them moving forwards.

If you’ve ever given up on a goal it’d be worth asking yourself what feeling was missing for you.

I’ve failed a couple of pretty big tasks I’ve undertaken.

One of the most recent was due to not feeling listened to, as a result I mentally cheeked out.

Knowing why you don’t follow things through and what feeling is the reason will help you in being able to ASK for what you need.

Just something to keep in mind.

And for any PT’s reading this, ask you clients how they feel, how they want to feel and what they feel is missing if needed.

Honestly this one little word can make all the difference.


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The non-technical guide to training for the masses

The majority of training for the majority of people 🤓

A note so short guide to the main points.

When size is the prize 💪

Volume is king.

You’ll want to be accumulating around 100-300 working reps per week on your target muscle group.

Work your target muscle 2-3 times per week.

Each set wants to have only 1-2reps left in the tank. 

And that’s not what you think is 1-2 reps.

It needs to be a legitimate 1-2 reps which will require you to feel for the true point close to failure with good form. 

From a hypertrophy standpoint people don’t take their sets far enough or accumulate enough work across a week, month, year or trianing life.

It’s why many remain undermuscled.

When strength is your priority 🏋️

Less than 5 reps rules the roost here.

You’ll want to lift as much load as possible with good form.

Form is crucial when training for strength.

I’d recommend not focusing so much on the RIR (reps in reserve for this), rather a focus on the speed of the movement.

You want to be actively trying to accelerate through the entire rep in the concentric, once speed starts to grind to a snails pace and you have a brief ‘pause’ at your sticking point before overcoming it with an epic surge of tension/force then you’ve hit your limit for the day. 

This might take you only 1-2 working sets to achieve.

It could take 15 working sets.

Welcome to the wonderful world of strength 😂

As an extra bit of advice, I find that using 1/3-2/3rd of your RM (rep max) for your working sets best. 

This allows multiple sets to be accumulated and gives you two things.

  • A lot of ‘first reps’ and lifting practice 
  • A solid chunk of volume which can aid in hypertrophy 

LIfting frequency is interesting for strength.

You want to lift as often as possible while remaining as fresh as possible, so get in multiple sessions on your prioritised lifts/movements.

When like Vergil you need more power you want to be sharp 🧠

Power, like strength, is largely neurological in nature. 

Yes a larger set of muscles will have more potential for higher power/strength but only if your nervous system is capable of expressing it. 

Training for power wants a focus on the speed of your movements. 

Move want a concentric phase of less than 1 second regarding lifting, and less than half a second with plyometrics.

Sadly people forget this and move too slowly. 

It’s why many never develop any real power in this life. 

The guidelines are simple

  • Less than 5 reps per movement (mostly)
  • Time reps, once speed decreases stop 
  • Rest 5-10x the length you spent performing the total set
  • Train speed as often as possible while remaining as fresh as possible 

It’s similar to strength training and the two blend together very well. 

Then we have the runner up in most peoples priorities.

Endurance 🔋

On a similar side of the fence to hypertrophy, it’s all about the total accumulation of volume.

But not just any volume.

High quality volume.

To translate it to lifting you’re looking at sets of 20reps minimum.

You would also find ‘timed sets’ very useful, think along the lines of kettlebell sport. 

In a Long Cycle even you’ll be required to perform 10min of unbroken ‘clean & jerk’ with male competitors using 24kg as Amateur and 32kg as pro’s.

That’s going to require a lot of endurance.

Specifically anaerobic power endurance, but endurance still. 

Over the years I’ve found for people that enjoy the feeling of long work then using a timer for set os 2,3,5 or 10min for a single lift is very enjoyable.

Plus that much unbroken work is a real mental test too 🤯

Time to end the ramble on something everyone needs but try few focus on. 

Flexibility & Mobility 🧘‍♂️

I’d highly suggest a routine (or multiple different ones) you can follow every day for 10-20min each day. 

This will help with your longevity and prevent a lot of injuries.

No it isn’t sex or as fun as ‘hard training’ but it’s arguably MORE essential and you don’t want to get 30 years down the road and say – “I wish I’d done more flexibility/mobility when I was younger.”

You don’t need really think about this 👆

Just hop on YouTube and run a search to be given 1000’s of free follow along videos of 10-20min in length. 

The only reason you’d not be able to do this is because you’re too lazy to apply yourself 😂

On the topic of flexibility/mobility, how much do you do each week?

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How to achieve your goal

I’ve got 3 simple questions for you to ask yourself.

Be sure to ask them often.

They will help you get from point A to B and beyond.

Before you do something ask this: Will this help me move closer to what I want or take me further away?

Each time you feel stuck ask this: What one thing, even is small, can I do that will have me take a single step forwards?

When you start to feel you can’t keep going, ask this: How will I feel if I stop now? And… How will I feel when I succeed?

This can help you keep moving forwards.

And remember this.

You don’t need to go at lightning speed, merely one step at a time because that’s what will take you where you want to go.

Not rushing, being greedy or trying to force anything.

You’ll get there by taking one step at a time, so tread softly and go far.

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Are you really short on time or is it something else you lack?

Time is essentially life.

To be short on it doesn’t actually make sense.

It might feel like you’ve not got a lot of time but the reality is very different because it’s all you do have.

What often happens is that people merely waste theirs being distracted by the shiny things and the noise.

In regards to health & fitness you don’t need much time to be able to do a lot.

This morning I did a quick 20min of training with a pair of light kettlebells (16kgs).

15 swings, 10 squats, 5 presses – 10 total sets – 300 total reps

The timer was set at 2min intervals, and the 30 reps took me about 1min to complete, allowing for 1min of rest.

I’d say doing this with 24kg would be quite a good challenge and I’ll no doubt give that a go at some point soon.

Obviously you don’t need to do 15/20/5 on the reps, you could do 12,8,4 for example (I might do this on the 24kgs).

The ket point to take away is that in 20min there was a lot of productive work done from a base health/fitness standpoint.

What I’ve noticed to be the real lacking factor isn’t time for a lot of people, it’s willingness or you might say desire.

20min out of a day (based on being awake for 16) is a reasonable ask.

Put in 5min of mobility/stretching either side and that’s still only 30min out of your entire day.

Making a diary appointment for yourself to train for 30min, even if everyday, is something you CAN do.

But the crux is that it’s not something you WANT to do for some personal reason.

I’m going to be putting together a training system set up around 20min sessions.

When it’s ready I’ll be putting it out into the world.

If you’re keen to break change in just 20min training a day please do reach out and I’ll let you know first when it’s finished.


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An obvious truth people will deny apply to them.

It’s quite easy to know if something applies to ones self.

Listen to what is said.
Did you have an emotional reaction?

When the answer is yes it means that despite how much denial, deluded excuses or backwards rational we throw out, whatever has been said often directly relates to something not being addressed.

Now regarding health, fitness and all things training related this is the one thing most can’t accept is relevant to them.

They’re not getting the outcome they want because they’re not doing ALL the things they need to be doing.

Yep, like I said, it’s obvious.

But you’d be amazed how many excuses, reasons and general BS will come in waves when this is brought up.

Speaking from my own personal experience I’ve found the excuses are merely that, excuses.

From a business perspective I thought I’d give the online angle a full push.

So the idea was to gain more online work above what I already had and was content with.

It failed epically.

And the reason was this – I didn’t do what was needed at the level it was needed.

The short version of this is basically you need to send endless messages and throw enough at the wall until it starts to stick.

Which if we’re honest is how all business works.

Business is about output and volume because without those you’ll be placing your faith in the right people finding you.

I’m quite a picky person with who I’ll train.

Simply because I’m not money driven and I don’t want to waste my time with people that aren’t willing to put in the effort training wise, which is highly ironic because I’m the same with business (I don’t put in enough effort, especially to things I don’t value).

Now the value side of things becomes interesting.

Often people won’t put in the required effort and do what they need to do if they don’t value, or perhaps respect the ‘thing’ itself.

Speaking about my own rather epic and stylish failure with online.

What got me was that being someone who places a high value on the physical capabilities within fitness and walking the walk in that regard, it got to me that what people actually want to buy from an online coach is a quick fix.

Meaning most are not patient enough nor do they desire to become physically superior within themselves.

In any aspect of life we must want to apply ourselves.

The want to apply ourselves must come from knowing why we desire our proclaimed outcome.

It seems too many get on a 3min motivational kick and when things don’t change overnight they bounce.

Therefore I’d say this is a question we NEED to ask ourselves before we start anything.

Why is this something I actually want to do and will I do everything that is required even on the days I don’t want to?

I’m going to be straight with you.

Unless the answer is an ABSOLUTE YES without hesitation, then it’s a no and you will fail.

Why do I say this?

Because I’ve seen it happen time and again in hundreds of people and I’ve been firmly within this ilk on several occasions.

The one truth that tends to be avoided and never accepted by people is that we’re the problem.

If we don’t address ourselves first then we will just continue to delude, deny and divert responsibility.

Don’t think this is a bad thing.

It’s not.

In fact it’s the most useful piece of information you can accept into your life.


Because if the problem is from within you (your attitude for example) then the solution to this is also held within you.

Knowing this you can ask yourself why you want to change and are you prepared to do everything that you need to be doing.

Remember, if the answer isn’t an absolute and unwavering yes then it’s a no and you don’t ‘want’ what you say you want.

You should investigate this thoroughly.

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This post is for PT’s that have less than 5 clients

I’m sure there’s a decent chunk of potential panic floating around in your head.

Always wondering what will happen if one of you few loyal clients leaves you.

Don’t worry, it’s understandable.

But you can’t let that fear consume you and affect the level of service you deliver.

Many times have I witnessed PT’s in gym bend to trends to entertain the few clients they currently have.

Unfortunately this leads to the very thing they fear the most – losing them.

And when this happens the get out the blame thrower and cast it towards anything that will help them justify this loss of business.

In the end the the real issue was this – The didn’t deliver the result their client wanted.

Like it or not, fitness is a results based business and people come in typically wanting visual changes.

Even when people claim otherwise there is usually something visual driving them, be that wearing certain clothes, a specific number on the scale or getting likes on socials.

I’ve yet to meet anyone that doesn’t want to tick a specific visual box when it comes to a lot of things health/fitness related.

The issue we have currently is that people won’t openly talk about it.

But rest assured, people feel very uncomfortable about how they look and would often pay to have this problem solved.

No woman wants to feel frumpy in a dress and look like they only just squeezed in it.
No man wants to have a shirt that’s tight around his belly but loose around his arms & chest.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it until people listen.

It’s okay to prioritise yourself from a visual standpoint because this is a natural human desire.

And as a PT delivering this to your clients will result in them staying with you, and on top of that they will tell other people about you.

You see your clients become a walking advert for your business.

I know that you know this but fear stops you applying it.

Additionally, here’s 9 things you can do to increase your current client numbers.

Get your clients to do for you that will help in your outreach/marketing:

  • Document their journey on social media
  • Tag you in posts
  • Wear your branding (while they train with you, and ideally in their own sessions too)
  • Refer people to know they know to be interested – set up a reward scheme
  • Record their sessions every now and again to share ‘live’

Now for what YOU can do:

  • Ask your clients for help & referrals
  • Put up useful content and reply directly to the people that engage with it
  • Be present in the gym and actively speak to the members so that you can help them
  • Hire yourself a coach because this will show people you also value PT and invest in yourself

Much as many won’t admit it, few trust a PT that hasn’t done the things they want to do.

So make sure you walk the walk.

None of the above is earth shattering.

It also applies to those that DON’T seek a visual change.

Take avid runners, if you can bring down their 10k by 10% they’d throw money at you for the secrets.

Same goes for people looking to complete a marathon. You can set up an offer that takes them from barely being able to walk a mile without getting winded to running a full 26 in under 4 and a half hours (perhaps for a charity too).

People have money.
People want to spend it.

So find out what is of HEV and you’ll be swimming in gold like Scrooge McDuck before you know it.

In essence you need to establish what is of high emotional value to your clients and prospective clients.

When you understand this you’ll not be short on them.


Bonus Tips –

  • Run a competition for people that DON’T train with you with a cash prize for the best result/outcome
  • Do a competition yourself because people love to share in YOUR journey and then desire to emulate it
  • Be helpful, be humble, be human because in the end people by from people (and they buy more from people they like)

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5 things people that struggle to lose weight have in common with Charlie & The Chocolate Factory 🍫

You’d best sit down if you’re easily triggered 😂

Although the similarities might not be what you expect.

You might think all 5 things are along the lines of….

Being obsessed with sweets 🍬

And while that might be the case in some instances, what I’m going to bring to the surface are a little more interesting. 

In fact it’s not Mr Wonka people are similar to.

It’s the children that won the golden tickets 🎟

First up – Augustus Gloop, The Glutton 

He found his ticket by eating A LOT of chocolate and even took a bite out of his own golden ticket.

This is the very real reflection of a lot of people…..

Their mind, body & soul have fallen to a cycle of mindless eating.

In the developed world we’re lucky to want for practically nothing.

Great as this is in one sense.

It’s a curse in another.

Gluttony was previously only reserved for the rich and the fatter you were = more prestigious.

These days it’s not only reserved for the rich, the poor are equally as likely to waddle as they walk because of highly calorific foods at super cheap prices. 

Easy access to excessive calories is one of the main reasons many struggle to shit excess fat. 

People can eat themselves to DEATH these days, a scary fact 🧐

Second – Veruca Salt, The Spoilt  

This little madame didn’t need to lift an entitled finger to find a golden ticket.

Instead her father got his workers to it because he couldn’t say no to his precious little princess.

Her attitude was born of getting everything she wanted. 

You could say she was the embodiment of greed…

It’s an attitude shared by a lot of people.

With one click buying, same day delivery, 24hr services it’s no surprise delayed gratification has gone the way of the dinosaur☠️

This is a key factor in why people struggle to shift excess fat. 

They just don’t have the mental fortitude to work & wait for it.

Third – Violet Beauregarde, The Tenacious  

No one likes a show off and this little glory seeker found her golden ticket by what many consider to be an admirable trait – tenacity.

She switched chewing gum for candy bars until she got her prize. 

Someone that focuses on their health & fitness with an energy like this can make a lot of progress.

If that isn’t the case though it can end up being a very destructive trait.

You might say it’s addiction disguised as aspiration.

One who has hyper focus can end up in a negative spiral if pointed in the wrong direction.

Picture this… 

The above is the high earner that devotes their life to work surviving off of coffee, rum and convenience foods because in their current eye good nutrition is nothing more than a nuisance.

If you see a little of yourself here then all you need is a little nudge in the right direction.

Fourth – Mike Teavee, The Know-it-all

Similarly to Violet, Mike had a trait that many respect. 

Being super intelligent he was able to cross references ticket numbers, dates and the weather allowing for the perfect prediction to be made so he only had to buy ONE Wonka Bar.

The issue comes in the form of this ilk always thinking they’re right.

It can lead to inaction because the don’t feel the need to go to others for help. 

Because of this ever advancing world there’s a lot of people like Mike these days.

Everyone has access to pretty much any amount of information they want and that is something potentially destructive itself because of the contradictory and confusing answer you’ll find from even the most specific of questions.

A lot of people get stuck in a digital hole, unsure of where to start. 

Despite all the good info that can aid in fat loss, when there’s too much people do use any of it. 

Finally – Charlie Bucket, The Hope 

The last ticket is found by luck and is the symbol that everyone still has a chance to change it all.

Coming from what is portrayed as very humble roots, this young man had nothing but dreams & hope.

Believe it or not this is the case for many. 

You’re probably one of them.

But you fail to take action….


What are you afraid of?

If it’s failure then that’s okay because we’re all scared of that to some degree but we mustn’t let it control all our actions.

Especially when it comes to health & fitness related goals 😍

But in the end, scared as this young man was.

He came out there other end and was rewarded well.

In the end if you could be one of the above, which one would you rather be?


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If you’re a PT frustrated that clients don’t stick to their program, then I’ve got some tips to help change this.

Anyone that’s worked with the general population can agree with this statement –

They love making things difficult for themselves.

Or as Blade famously said – Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill.”

I have often wondered if people do it deliberately

It certainly seems that way, but I think it’s more a subconscious string of habits causing this.

Now as much as we may adopt a pseudo role of councillor, unless the required bits of paper are held it’s not our place to delve into the deeper emotional chains wrapped around people.

But we can ask the right question and help people find the locks to those chains on their own.

I’ve found this question useful in getting people of small bumps in the road:

Why do you think you’re struggling with XYZ?

Once you’ve asked this go quiet.

Seriously don’t say a word, even if there’s a long awkward silence because given enough time they will start to speak.

And I’ve found when they do the flood gates won’t take long to open and some solid actions/strategies can be set out.

It’s important to have your clients write them down themselves – neurologically it wires differently in their brain and gives them more responsibility, this leads itself to a higher degree of consistency because people want to do this for themselves.

A second useful question to ask is:

Is there anything you can think of that will make XYZ easier for you?

The idea behind this is again to have people start to think for themselves.

It’ll also trigger the consistency principle because people want to stay true to what they say they will do, especially if it was their idea.

This is why it’s important to have them WRITE DOWN their solutions as that further bonds them towards the path of progress.

Finally there’s one more thing I’ll ask people that can help them stay on track:

How many times now have you failed at XYZ and why is this?

You’re trying to find the one constant reason for someones adherence struggle and believe me they want to tell you about it.

They really do, I’m not just saying this but they’re scared.

It can be hard for some to admit the real reason why they struggle because it might be used against them, they may feel like a filature, or judged for something they might consider to her a poor reason for their struggle.

This is where as coaches we want to show people they can trust us.

To show people we desire to understand them so that we can help them get from pain A to B and beyond.

While this can take time it will be worth it in the end.

Your clients will start to find the changes easier to stick to and as a trainer you’ll being to get a sense of what people need that will make their initial transition as pain free as possible.

There’s always going to be several layers of resistance towards any change we wish to make.

And it’s okay to feel this resistance.

Making sure clients are aware of this is crucial because it’ll take a lot of pressure off of them.

Knowing one doesn’t need to get things 100% nailed all the time is a great mental reprieve and allows for a much higher degree of success in the long run.

Odd as it might sound, good enough is good enough.

Just be sure to come to an agreement with your clients (based on them leading this conversation) what good enough is and make sure they write it down.


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GGC the key to unlock your potential

It’s easy to train for strength.

But what stops people is usually their ego.

A lot of people think they’re already strong enough.

In my experience this is rarely the case based on these three arbitrary strength standards.


If they’re nothing other than arbitrary numbers then they ought to be no trouble to hit.

Here they are once again:

  • 2xBW double overhand deadlift
  • 10 Chin Ups (5 for ladies)
  • Broad Jump your height

Being able to have some kind of CV feat is also useful, running a 5k unbroken is a good target and in under 25min ideally.

Regarding the strength targets.

They have a hefty focus on the posterior chain (entire back of the body).

Although there’s also a focus on these three areas – Grip, Glutes, Core

You’ll find increasing strength in any one of those areas has a knock-on effect to your entire body.

The simple reason for this is because they help produce more total body tension.

I’d like to say there’s one exercise that can improve all three, and there is, kinda.

Single Arm Kettlebell Swings (SAS).

These will hit your grip, glutes and core in ways you couldn’t imagine.


They don’t help with the skill requirements (you’d need to practice DL/Broad jumps and chins).

Single arm swings won’t make you better at chin ups, they will just help grip, glutes, core and CV base lines increase.

So you’d also need to put in the movement of the chin up itself as well, although this movement too helps with grip, glutes & core when they’re done with strict form.

You could practice both of these movements daily along with your other training.

All it’d take is 20min of your time.

And if 20min is all you could manage to spare for training each day then swings/chins would make an excellent training program.

I’d suggest using this as a guide:

2x10min blocks:
SAS – 5-10 reps every 30 seconds, alternate left/right arms
Chins – 1-3 reps every 30 seconds

Ultra simple & effective.

Once you’re hitting the 10reps on the swings, and 3 reps on chins consistently then up the intensity with heavier loads.

If you were to repeat this 20min training suggest 3x per week you’d make the best progress you’d seen in a long time, provided you truly gave it a solid effort.

Since this is based on high performance out with minimal fatigue you can get in a lot of potential training.

I’ve personally used a framework like this and hit upwards of 20x20min sessions within a week without burning out.

Plus there wasn’t any need for endless showers either since I wasn’t chasing the outcome of being hot & sweaty.

When you’re ready for such a challenge then I encourage you to stick with the above for at least 6 weeks MINIMUM (12 is better).


Bonus Bit – For those proficient with a KB swap SAS for snatches for the same 5-10reps per arm every 30 seconds for 10min.

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Is modern life making your sick, fat & weak?

The proliferation of drugs to ‘manage’ our illnesses has changed the world and I think it’ll only become more dependent on them 🧐

Don’t misunderstand me.

Modern medicine has given people chance in life they’d not have had without it and this is a beautiful thing. 

But with that gift came a hefty curse.

Endless pills, potions and quick fixes mean endless profit. 

So the powers that be saw an opportunity 👀

Why cure an illness or prevent an illness when more money can be made from MANAGING it 💷

In our developed countries we’re privy to a lot of choice.

Because of this the larger amount wilfully choose a poor quality of life regarding their overall health and wellness. 

Excess drinking, poor food, smoking, convenience with one click…

Seeing the average person become more sedentary, sick and weak is truly worrying.

While it’s a fact of life we will be susceptible to viruses, bugs and daily nasties, we have an immune system for a reason – survival.

But instead of cultivating it, making it stronger and living a life that is more conducive to long term health many will just go after the nearest drug and think no more about it 🙁

Continuing to life a poor quality of life because it’s easy.

Getting sicker, fatter and more useless as time goes on. 

While there’s exceptions that are heading for a health hole because of genetics, the majority of people do it to themselves.

This is truth, and people hate me for pointing it out 🧐

But I don’t care because people need to wake up and acknowledge their role in becoming a part of the ever growing sickness promoting society.

I’ve begun to wonder how much our environment is a factor. 

Is it any wonder our bodies start to struggle when all they know is stress?

Considering this I’d say it’s quite important to review what’s going on in ones life and asking this question about each element within it – is it necessary?

From here I’d now ascertain if the element is causing more problems than it’s solving and resulting in damaged health.

There’s always alternatives available to us. 

Alternatives that can benefit our health and quality of life. 

Why be satisfied with spiralling downwards when the opportunity for the opposite is within ones grasp?

I’d like to know your thoughts on this.

Is your environment, choices and overall life making you sick?

And how are you going to deal with it?

With pills & potions or by changing the choices you make🤓

Please do share your thoughts.

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