Reflections on the ‘feels’

Given a trainer will help the average person lose weight, feel great, get stronger, improve confidence and generally change their life for the better in essentially every single way.

Why wouldn’t someone want this?

Fear is the honest answer.

The fear of change more specifically.

Of being more than they are.
Of being judged by their peers as they surpass them.
Of being face with the reality that they should have hired a PT sooner.
Of being honest in that they’ve been holding themselves back.

I’ve had the luck to work with a lot of people over the years.

Not all have succeeded, and the common element I noticed in their failure was that I didn’t ask them this ONE question.

Why are you holding yourself back?

As a PT I’m not terrible, but I’m not able to make magic happen without the person I’m training buying into the process 100%.

Now don’t mistake my words here, this isn’t the issue on the clients side, this is all on me.

In the past I gave up on people because they gave up on themselves.

There was only so much effort I could put in because I was making this mistake – not asking why they were resisting change.

Despite all the benefits they stood to gain, they still resisted.

As I’ve gotten older I finally got a glimpse of why this is.

They didn’t feel as they needed.

Odd as it sounds, from listening to people talk and then staying quiet to allow them to talk more has revealed the key element many don’t tell you is that they don’t ‘feel’ what they need to feel to keep them moving forwards.

If you’ve ever given up on a goal it’d be worth asking yourself what feeling was missing for you.

I’ve failed a couple of pretty big tasks I’ve undertaken.

One of the most recent was due to not feeling listened to, as a result I mentally cheeked out.

Knowing why you don’t follow things through and what feeling is the reason will help you in being able to ASK for what you need.

Just something to keep in mind.

And for any PT’s reading this, ask you clients how they feel, how they want to feel and what they feel is missing if needed.

Honestly this one little word can make all the difference.


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