Daily Archives: May 22, 2015

10 Fat Loss Faux-Pas

Today I am going to reveal the final Fat Loss Faux-pas.

This will be the one that makes all the difference to your progression, now read, learn and progress.

Fat Loss Faux-pas #10 Trying Too Hard.

Is there ever really such a thing as trying too hard?

Yes… Yes there is.

People will want to achieve a better body immediately, so much so in fact they want it to happen yesterday. This can lead to some to adopt narcissistic tendencies.

Focus is good, but too much will lead to obsession and as a result your life will grind to an abrupt halt. You won’t want to go out with friends because of eating the wrong things, you might fear going shopping because of temptation and when things get really bad you may even stop eating all together by developing an eating disorder… Don’t forgo your life just because you want to be skinny right this second.

This negative mind set is an easy one to fall prey too. In an attempt to get more results you will potentially make yourself seriously ill.

I have been in this position, I found no one put more pressure on me to achieve than myself and I got ill. Don’t succumb to there pressure, take your time and remember to enjoy the journey, remember to enjoy your life.

After all, nobody wants to look good if they feel unhappy.

Smile and celebrate each small success because in the end when you look back, you will see that all the small things where actually the big things.


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