Daily Archives: April 25, 2020

3 training tools you really want to try.

Indian Clubs
Gymnastic Rings
Because they’re awesome.
Chances are you’ve heard of the rings before, they got popular in about 2010, and in all honesty are one of the best upper body training tools you’ll ever find.
Going beyond merely doing press ups, drips, chins and even muscle ups on them you’ll find you can progress to low skill level ring routines that will hit almost every muscle in your torso.
The only down side for people is such things don’t provide instant gratification, as such they lose favour.
People are fickle after all and lack patience.
Anyway, the other two items are a little more niche.
Indian Clubs, while not new, are great for shoulder health, core stability, building movement flows and will send your cardio vascular health through the roof without you even realising it.
Then you’ve got the macebells, their benefit can be found in the fact that they’re incredibly difficult to use.
Swinging one around in a basic figure of 8 around your head in a controlled fashion will hit essentially every muscle you have, that is if you don’t fall over first – which is exactly what happened to me first time round, lol.
Here is a video that utilises the uncommon pair above:
One for the rings:
Hopefully you’ll be inspired to do something a little different.
While I still love barbells and the classic lifts, there’s more to life, so go and explore.

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