Daily Archives: April 19, 2020

Too General?

Mastery over ones own body.
Why wouldn’t you want that?
Genuine question.
Since working in the realms of fitness for as long as I have I know and understand plenty of superficial reasons why people either want to just look good in a t-shirt, or run marathons and various other things.
The longer I spend simply watching how people move it’s quite alarming how many just can’t move well.
Often there will be excuses as to why this is.
The majority of those excuses are bullshit, the only time they are not if for a crippling injury, medical condition or unfortunate contraction of a disease that effects the CNS.
A simple case for those of us that don’t have any of the true reasons we wouldn’t move well is a simple fact that comes in the form of not seeing value in moving well.
We’re lazy, idle, always wanting the easier path to walk.
All fine to choose, however none are worthy of more than surface level respect and courtesy.
Moving well goes beyond lifting weights, playing sports and specialising in one specific thing, which are acceptable to do, it’s just worth remembering to do that it will cost you something.
To move well you will be a generalist, someone who can do a lot of things with a reasonable level of skill/competence, yet you’ll not master any of them specifically.
That said, in such generalism you’d find mastery of your own body.
Knowing it’s limitation, how far it can go, what it can & can’t do, able to acquire new skills with ease and turn your hand to anything with no real fuss.
Again, you won’t master anything except control of your own body.
You’d be a very good human, a good mover.
Great for longevity and health, plus it gives yo a lot of room to learn skills, tricks and various other things, and while you’d not reach the peak of any one thing, you’d be able to have fun and hold your own in a lot of others.
How well do you think you move?
Me, I move like shit in a general sense.
Yet like a lot of people I’m still scared to purely focus on movement and fully go down that rabbit hole because my ego still won’t willing give away certain threads its cloning on to in the realms of lifting weights and all the metal strife that comes with it.
Yep, that’s me, scared of progress through fear of loss.
The knowing mind, truly a cursed gift.

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